Converting Empty Wall into Pantry Shelving
In a previous post I showed pictures of pantry shelving we were building to enhance the client’s use of an empty wall. Here is the finished product just prior to the client loading it up which demonstrates that even a pantry cabinet can be attractive when done properly. Prior to this being installed, it was simply an empty wall serving as a mud room between the garage and kitchen. In filling this wall with pantry shelving the client created significantly more kitchen storage space with a minimum impact on the overall footprint of the room. The shelves only protrude 12 inches outward from the wall.
Al of the shelving was made such that it can be adjusted to accommodate a variety of size items. Additionally, we added a little flair by breaking the piece into a top and bottom and trimming out the middle with some nice molding. This breaks up the large piece nicely and takes it from the ordinary to an attractive addition.